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There are some who don't believe that God's love is big enough to include everyone.  But we do.  We believe there is room in the family of God for everyone.  Including you.

What does "Open and Affirming" mean?  

"Open and Affirming" is the designation used to describe progressive Disciples of Christ congregations that make a commitment to be inclusive and to fully integrate into our church persons of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and medical conditions. (You can read more about the Disciples of Christ efforts here.)

In 1992, our congregation went through a year-long process of careful study and discernment, prayerfully considering who God was calling us to be.  At the end of that year, we unanimously agreed that we would be an inclusive faith community, welcoming ALL people into fellowship and communion.

Our Open and Affirming stance has demonstrated our commitment to fully integrate into our church all persons regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance or theological perspective. Our Open and Affirming status has earned us a ““Verified Clear” ranking by Church Clarity.

More than just including all people in our church services, we truly affirm them as fully participating members of the body of Christ in all its glorious diversity.

We believe that all people are children of God and are parts of our increasingly diverse culture, and we welcome all persons into the full life and ministry of this church.