Unfortunately, we had serious technical issues with the recording this morning. The sound was quite poor and we had to reboot to fix it. Unfortunately, we neglected to record the part of the service in which the sound quality was good! (That said, the audio was quite good in the sanctuary...just sayin'...you're welcome to join us Sunday mornings in person!)
God's love made flesh, God's love for all of humanity, and God's love that makes hope worth the risk. The Gospel of Matthew begins with Jesus' genealogy. We then read about the story of Jesus' birth from Joseph's viewpoint. He took the risk. He believed the hope Gabriel promised was worth the risk of family and community rejection.
Based on Matthew 1:18-25
Music this week:
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
What if Love Were My Gift This Christmas?
The First Noel
When God is a Child
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly